Saturday, February 24, 2001


Tonight, tonight, tonight. Argh!

I feel bad about not getting a BLARG in yesterday, but my God I didn't have the time. Why not? you may find yourself asking. Well, I got a keyboard today, and to be honest, I was too busy playing it. If you asked me why I bought one, I don't think I'd be able to give you a decent answer other than:

Luke took me to Best Buy because he wants Zach to hook him up with a deal on a stereo. Kick ass. I'll go to Best Buy anytime. They've got so much cool shit to play with, and it seems like I always see someone I know there (like Jesse D, Raiders, and Hacker playing Dreamcast in the videogame aisle today). Luke goes to play basketball with one of them, but I wander over to the stereo aisle. Stereos on one side, and keyboards on the other. Now, I don't claim to be a musical genius, but I can figure out how to play different instruments given the time and the patience. I taught myself how to play the piano over the course of high school, and have even been able to master such showstopping numbers like the theme song for "Forest Gump"- the motion picture. So, I find myself staring at stereos, but my fingers start to wander on over to the fake ivory keys. I start making noise. Luke tells me to page Zach to get a deal. I do, but as soon as I see Zach I start asking him about deals on the keyboards. He's hesitant, which I can understand, because it's a well known fact that Zach doesn't get much in to playing any instruments. He's more of a behind the scenes type guy. I figure, "fuck it", and I start asking the guy who works in the aisle about the differences between Model A and Model B, and what's more of a value. I'm not going to be using this for anything other than my own amusement, so who cares, you know? I settle on a Yamaha PRS280. It'll get the job done. And I glide to the counter. On the way I pick up a power adapter, a sustain pedal, Bruce Springsteen's "Nebraska" album, and a stand. Whilst using the ol' plastic card, I tell the cute girl behind the register that it's pretty much an impulse buy (which is the absolute truth), she smiles, I sign the little computer screen, she hands me my stuffand I glide out the front door. We pile the bounty into the car, and off to Shanigan's for a burger and a beer. Within an hour, I'm in the living room, pounding away on keys that feel way too light to be making piano sounds. I've got automatic DJ sounds at my tips, and I'm just generally having a good time.

Sure, it was a total impulsive thing going on, but who cares? I'm happy. Zach's happy because now he has five days out of every week with a keyboard all to himself while I'm working. It all works itself out in the end.

I guess this one didn't turn out bitter like I thought it was going too. Kick fucking ass, I got a PRS280. Life's funny like that.