Wednesday, February 14, 2001


A big "boo", and a very stern glare goes out to the State of Utah's Snow Removal Services today. They almost killed me... literally. We're cruising down Interstate 15, heading for our last site of the day, when Kevin looks over from the driver's side and starts asking me how I feel about driving on snow and ice. My reply was true- "I don't like it at all." And I don't know anyone that really does. So, a few seconds pass, and I noticed that the road was starting to get a little hairy. We should've expected it, right? We were in the mountains. And I calmly say, "It's this kind of shit (slush/snow/maybe some ice) that I can't handle." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, the car started to fishtail. I tensed up (which I probably shouldn't have done), put my hands up on the dashboard, and wedged my legs underneath the glove compartment. Kevin starts to try and get the car under control, with very little luck at first. All that was flashing through my mind was the image of our car in the twenty foot ditch on the right side of the road. I tried to keep my head from looking in that direction, but it was impossible. It wasn't like Illinois ditches, five feet deep on the edge of a cornfield. This was a huge slope downward into trees and rocks. The car was still fishtailing back and forth. It's amazing how quickly I resigned to the fact that I was probably going to be seriously hurt or dead. One or the other. I hadn't experienced anything like this for a long, long time. Eventually, the car came back, due to the quick thinking of Kevin, and we got it all straightened out. I must've been holding my breath for most of the incident, cause as soon as we were back on the road, going straight, I heaved a huge sigh, and sunk back into my chair. I was honestly amazed to be alive.

So, how was your day?