Monday, December 20, 2004


so this 8th grader comes into school on friday, last day before break, dressed up like santa. i'll call him "santa todd." santa todd has a homemade santa hat and a beard-- merely a triangle cut out of white felt... taped on. no hole for a mouth or anything. he's carrying a blue pillow case full of "goodies," and is walking down the hall cheerfully, saying "merry christmas" to everyone while handing out things from his sack. even people he doesn't know get gifts. items from santa todd include things from around his house: one orange maraca, an old popeye cartoon video, two golf clubs (1 driver and 1 iron), a canvas hat that says "coffee is for closures," an opened box of kleenex....

in class, santa todd comes up to me with my gift: a stick of ban deodorant. used. all smiles, he says, "sorry it's not the feminine odor."

ahhh.. this is what i live for. thank you, santa, for making everything worthwhile.


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