Monday, December 06, 2004

Marc (?)

Random Thoughts:
1. Why are retail stores/dining establishments at the airport so obsessive-compulsive about giving their patrons receipts? I think back to Mitch Hedberg's "D is for Donut" bit about getting a receipt for a donut and being unable to think up one scenario wherein he might actually have a use for said receipt. Why would I ever need a receipt for a blueberry muffin and an orange juice?

2. It freaks me out that stores like CompUSA and Circuit City pride themselves on selling high-tech products, yet when I go to the check-out area to purchase some of their high-tech products I see that they are still using computers straight outta-1984. Yesterday, for example, I bought a wireless router from Circuit City ***1*** and was appalled to find that they were still using a machine that had a wavy black-white-greenish type screen that still operated on the "follow the blinking white cursor"-logic. Then I was forced to give them my phone number aloud, as if taking my credit card number wasn't enough. Why doesn't Circuit City (and CompUSA, for that matter) upgrade their systems? It's not like they're lacking for computers, right? Just grab a couple off the back shelves.

***1*** That's right. I can surf the internet from the john now, if I so choose.


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