Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Zach Ooon

When the stars go blue.

When you work outside for 9 hours a day, you begin to do this thing that might be called "spacing out", especially when there is a lull in cedar traffic. Today, the horses were out in the pasture next to the house we're working on. Four horses (appocalypse-esque). Momma, Poppa, Sis, and Bro. We only knew that Bro was male cos the fucking thing had a phallus that had to have been two feet long. Jason kept saying "JESUS! Look at the size of that horse's manhood!", which he may or may not have thought was ironic, I couldn't tell. We four agreed that the proper term for a horse's sex organ is "horse cock". This baby horse had a monsterous horse cock. It was absolutely impossible to ignore. It hung straight down, and was two feet if it were an inch. Absolutely huge. Huge horse cock.

So, getting back, everytime I would look at Jason, he would be "spacing out" staring right at the fucking huge horse cock. It got to the point where he wasn't paying attention to anything else, just the horse. Finally his dad noticed, and he yelled out, in perfect delivery "Jason! Quit imagining that thing in yer hand and do some fucking work!"

Genius. It also worked well in combination with people we didn't like. i.e. "______ needs a visit from the monster horse".

I guarantee that comes up on a search engine hit.

And the ultimate mutiny: this crew that was building a house in a subdivision we often work in all quit at the same time last week cos their boss was bitching at them to work harder in 100 degree heat while he sat in the air conditioning and talked on the phone all day. Ten guys, none of whom were friends before they started working together, all banded together and quit on the asshole. Now he's building a house with two people he found in the paper.

next five: "good morning azetlan" by los lobos; "the rising" by the boss; "i'd like to" by mike ireland and holler; "seeing mjarcie with his shirt off is not pleasant (but at least he won't blind you like mast)" by lois lane and the exp; and "float away" by marah.

in the stereo: Library sounds


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