Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Zach Ooon

In point breeze there ain't no trees.

Happy birthday, brother Matt.

I think everybody needs to know that we live in a country presided over by a man who, completely honestly, said today "I'm no stockpicker." Stockpicker. This is the language he uses. If the economy's falter is not Dubya's fault directly, it is his fault indirectly for being such a moron, and publicly flaunting this fact. Who could believe him when he uses words like this?!!? Who could support a man who for years had the hands of corporate America giving him the old Alabama Backhand, and now wants us all to believe that he's going to be tough on his former busom buddies? This is a guy who got a fucking MBA from Harvard and a bachelors from Yale and he claims to:
a. not know much about accounting practices (especially the ones that make him millions of dollars)
b. think that stock brokers are called "stock pickers"
c. believe that taking weekends off and months at a time on vacation is a good idea during a time of crisis
d. not be best friends with Coporate America, while his VP and 7 members of his cabinet are all former CEOs.
e. have "worked hard" to make his life the way it is, though his business strategies have all failed (not his pocket, but his financiers, who gladly took the hit cos they knew this kid had clout/would have clout)
What this says about Harvard/Yale: Nepotism rules. If Republicans don't get upset that George Bush got an MBA from fucking HARVARD, they can't get upset that a black kid from Brooklyn is getting a chance through affirmative action. The very fact that these "prestigious" schools would allow such an absolute know-nothing hang a degree with their name on it proves once and for all that Public School is the way to go. Bush, to quote a philosopher, was born on third base and claims to have hit a triple.


I don't like the Flaming Lips, but their new album is incredible.
I do like Marah, but their new album is sadly average.
I don't normally like Elvis Costello, but his new album is great.
I like Townes Van Zandt, even though he's dead.
I like Mike Ireland and Holler, even though they play genuine honky-tonk country music.
I like Pretty Girls make graves, even though they sound an awful lot like Hot Water Music.
I don't like sailing, especially since my dad's friend just about lost his life over the weekend when his ship capsized.
I don't like that said friend spent $1 million on said boat, even though it's not my money.
I like theRy, even though she's way too good for me.

Next five: "Float away" by marah; the second song on the new flaming lips record; "ghostly presence" by themt.st.helens; "thank god quinn's not dead cos that would lend some kind of sardonic quality to the new mount saint helens record that I just couldn't handle" by lois lane; and "45" by elvis costello.

in the library: Guy thinking no one will notice that he's scratching himself profusely cos he's "hiding" the action under the desk. Hint, dude: I see you.


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