Monday, July 22, 2002

Zach Ooon

And you can never go home.

Things; or How a grown man can karate chop a piece of cedar siding in a childish frustration only to realize he has hurt himself more than the board: a list in four parts
1. Everybody give some massive thoughtage to QuinnSt.Helens and his lovely girlfriend MIchelle who were broadsided by a red light running, illegal alien carrying, non-insurance having carful of folks this weekend. Michelle just got the car, which I rode in once and thought very pleasant. I saw pictures, and Quinn, in the parlance of our time, is lucky to be alive. Minor bruises and a bruised sense of compassion for those people in this country who break laws. Hit and run is no nonsense, unless you hit a pole or something. When they caught the guys (I should let Quinn tell the whole story, but I didn't want to run it without permission) Quinn busted out some shit talking. Exact words (I think): cops don't like that. Everybody is ok though, which is all that matters.
2. Yes, as the header reads, today I karate chopped a piece of siding in frustration. I broke it in half (Don't get any ideas, it was cracked to begin with, thus the temper tantrum) only to realize I had cut my hand and looked like a real jackass in the process (said PRO-sess). See, when cutting siding to cover a house, often one runs into the problem of siding which has been pre-split by either the shipping process (ibid) or in the transfer from pile to cutting board. Today, this happened three times, and then the saw kicked back and I nearly lost the upper third of my pinky (not cool), and the karate chop felt necessary. Now my hand is sore, and I have a cut. No longer feels necessary.
3. It was 95 degrees today. We worked on a new house in a subdivision that was built on top of a beautiful horse farm. Half of the horse farm still exists. It's nice to look at. Beyond the horse farm lies a landfill, roughly the size of three football stadiums. Sad but true: Illinois has few hills, and most of them are landfills. Tomorrow it will be 78 degrees. Everything will be allright.
4. Last week the RyandI: painted the entire apartment (laundry blue in the bathroom; signal red in bedroom 1; a limeish green in bedroom 2; and a deeper blue in the living room) including twelve foot ceilings; drove 100+ miles each way to IKEA to buy a couch, narrowly averting a huge thunderstorm that was on the west side of 55 for the last 35 miles; saw A Midsummer Night's Dream at an outdoor replica of a Shakespearean theater (said thee-tah); watched Road to Perdition (B+), Royal Tenenbaums (Even more ordinary on the second viewing, B-); Monster's Ball (How does a movie kill off the only two characters worth caring about in the first fifteen minutes? And how does Halle Berry get work? And does she think that poor women from Rural Alabama really look and dress like her? C), Queer As Folk on DVD (Uncomfortable to watch at times, but definitely good); and Sex and the City Season 3 (Ummm. Good and good and then bad and Bad and then ok). Damn girl, she's the best.

Next five: "if you hate your friends you are not alone" by pretty girls make graves; "it makes no difference" by the band; "lord let me die with a hammer in my hand" by the; "lord let me die putting a nail through the head of that guy who almost killed quinn and michelle" by lois lane; and "can't you see" by the marhall tucker band.

IN the stereo: kid next to me at the library having a freak out cos his pin number doesn't work. Tell him to shower, I should.


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