Tuesday, February 12, 2002

scoots mcblarglebean

guys, i leave town for a few days, and you can't hold down the fort. seriously. find something to do with yourselves.

i went on a snowboarding bonanza up in northern michigan this past weekend, traveling some 7-8 hours each way with good pals to meet our other good pal, rob. we are self-proclaimed "sic dudes," similar to the olympian boarders. except better. we got into some great talks of our legendary escapades as younger lads, and also added some new ones for the mix. i don't need to bore you with personal details, but it was sa-weet. i will say this: there are pubs that sell "giraffes." or maybe it's "giffafts," as in huuuge tall drafts (draughts). have you heard of this ingenious invention?? it's like a personal tap at your table. likeohmagod they're awes.

this week’s repetition is key phrase is "um, yes, i'll hjave the fjeather bjurger." emphasis on the nasally sweedish.


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