Monday, December 17, 2001


I don't like fiery rhetoric.

If content becomes thin here in the coming days, don't blame it on me. Blame it on my couch. No job = nothing to do. No one around = nothing to do. Hell, I went to a bar last night and was with two people who were actually buying shots for the (a) bartender and (b) a group of random chicks at the other end of said bar. "Dude," one of the guys I was with says, "if they come over here, we all tend bar downtown." What? No. I don't tend bar. I don't even like liquor, but I had to do my required shots of Goldschlager ... nasty. Turns out, they didn't come down, and we didn't have to talk to them, except for the one chick that stood next to the guy on my left and helped him sing along to that "I've got friends in low places" song by that one country singer guy. They all sound the same to me.

I spent five bucks in the hour and a half we were there. The dude to my right spent upwards of sixty bucks. My my my. That's a pretty penny to drop in an hour and a half. If only I were a rich man.

Came back home only to find roomie Al still playing Final Fantasy VIII. This is my kind of night. I made me some pb's and j, and plopped down to an exciting two hours of monsters and train rides and wizardry. Yee! Got to get the dork-o-meter up before the LOTR movie on Wednesday. Hell, I'm going to go get my tickets for it now. Jay-yeah!


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