Thursday, September 13, 2001


The world is turning, I hope it don't turn away.

The Showis
still on. I'm not sure that this is a way to get through it, but it's something that should help.

Today on the Quad they're having this "rally for peace", and as I walked in the opposite direction I got some serious "where the fuck are you going!" looks, to which I answered with a stare just as angry. Much like Kramer in the AIDS walk episode, I am of the opinion that organized rallies should go on, but how about we organize BEFORE the next bad thing happens? How about we try to stop poor kids having to get by on one meal a day? How about we have a rally begging OUR government to stop attacking other countries, so that terrorism will have less of a reason to occur?

Funny that a cell phone saved thousands of people. I'm not taking my stance back, but I will no longer glare at the person next to me for leaving theirs on during a flight.

Funny that I've been spelling "Que Shiraz" "Que Chiraz".

Funny sad not funny ha-ha.

And to avoid future confusion, five songs I want played at my funeral, a WTC tribute list: "Long may you run" by Neil Young; "avenues" by whiskeytown; "in my life" by joel r.l. phelps and the downer trio; Marcie playing that slow, sad version of "Amazing Grace" that he played in our living room last year and about made me cry (of course, with Lois Lane as the backup band, if by backup band I mean Scott on silent piano and Matt on silent drums); and "to be known" by Chris Lee***1***

***1***Plus play what makes you happy.