Friday, September 14, 2001


Don't Get Brainwashed. This may be somewhat anti-patriotic sentiment seeping through (which I understand is quite unpopular right now), but please don't get too caught up in the hype. It was a horrendous event .... true, but that doesn't mean that we all need to sink down to the kill-level mentatility that our government is rapidly heading towards. I've seen reports where the State Department is saying that if we're going to go to war against the terrorists, American citizens have to be willing to accept the fact that innocent civilians in other countries might be killed along with possible terrorists. I can't stress enough that this is a war that we cannot win. I've heard about people generalizing against Muslims and Arabs, and protesting outside of Mosques. I don't think that their level of humanity could be any lower right now. Please, please, we all need to take a step back and look at all these events in a complete vacuum. Act rationally.

On the flip-side, I think that it's wonderful all the support and efforts that common people are taking to help out with the victims of New York and Washington and Pennsylvania. I got choked up about five or six times on the couch yesterday as I watched relatives of missing people holding pictures of their loved ones up, describing what special features they had. This is much harder to watch than the initial events because of the personal nature of the whole process. I was at the rally on the Quad at ISU yesterday, and was generally touched by the outpouring of donations and mental support that thousands of students showed. I'd imagine that somewhere near 70-80% of the school was out there, standing in the open blue, holding hands in a moment of silence. And I'm sure that this was happening all over the country.

Take the time to tell someone "hello" today. Sounds cheesy, I know, but you never know what tomorrow might bring. Be safe.