Thursday, September 27, 2001


Quick BLARG before bedtime: Just got back in from the Highdive in Champaign, where we went to see Hey Mercedes/Rival Schools/Burning Airlines. I'll be completely honest - I was just there for the Hey May. So crisp. So clean. It's like 409 Surface Cleaner in a rock-band formation, they wipe the floor with you when they're done. Rival Schools = boo! for not being either (a) crisp (b)clean (c) engaging & (d) worthwhile. For as many of their poster-box-thingies that they put all over the tables and such, they should've been awesome. They had a tourbus for fuck's sake [which someone got busted with open alcohol at as he tried to get back in, shame]. And, finally, I didn't see Burning Airlines, so I don't have anything to say about them.

Props to the Highdive itself for being an incredible bar/venue. Really spic & span in there, and just a great overall mood about the place as well. Though, I'm not sure that building it in Champaign was the right route to go. They need one here in Bloomtown, where it would be truly appreciated. See, as far as I can tell, more than 50% of the peeps that go to shows are here in Bloomieville anyways, and we are in desperate need of a decent bar to gather in on a nightly basis. So, if you're someone with a whole heap of money, and you're looking to build nice, indie-rock type bars in Central Illinois, and put on good shows and shite! Please consider us. We've somehow been left behind.

I would also like to say that our pal, Rick, was blitzed, and funny, and barely able to get out of my car and to the couch here at the apartment. Poor guy's all tuckered out. That's what you get when you do shots with rock stars.

And, if you haven't done it already, please pay a visit to our friend Michelle's Awkward Pirouehettes site. It has been one of our personal favorites here for a long, long time. Why isn't it one of yours?

Say something.