Monday, July 02, 2001


You are never quite sure what, or who you might see when you walk out of my front door. I'm not saying that I saw someone incredible there just now, I'm just making a general statement. This is probably the reason why I randomly walk out of my apartment from time to time ... to see who might be there. Right now, there's no one there, and I kind of wish there was. It feels like a talking-type-of-night.

I'll leave the festivities from Madison in the ever-so-capable hands of Mr. Kuhn *refer to his post from yesterday*. I could not have said it any better, or described what we saw with any more attention to detail. Although I would like to add a very warm "thank you" to Miss Nancy if she happens to be reading it. Your hospitality showed no boundaries.

I'm sure we've all felt this feeling that I have in my chest right now: I've just come off of two classes (one being extremely stressful), I've just finished a road trip that had been in planning for a while, and now I am left with nothing to do for roughly the next 6-10 weeks (depending on how you look at it). I'm overwhelmed by what I see as my impending boredom. I'm contemplating several courses of action to combat this general fear -

(1) Buying an 8-track recording device and writing my own album. Zach says that this is the most honorable way to go. I think it's the most difficult. I've got the bass, the guitars, and the amps for both, but no drumset (and more specifically - no drummer) to back me up. Ideally, I'd like to do the whole damn thing myself, but seeing as how I've been on the run for roughly the past year, I don't have much put together in the form of song (and for that matter - lyrics). Terrifying to say the least, but I would imagine that this would afford the largest amount of overall satisfaction.

(2) Going back to work. This is the chickenshit way out, I'm quite sure of it. No one likes having to work ... fact. Because I did work (and hard for that matter) during the whole of last year, I'm in a state of financial freedom. I could sit around and do nothing, and still be able to pay my bills. Should things be like this? Hell no! I almost wish that I didn't find myself in this situation (maybe people would stop calling me to bail them out). The way I've been looking at it lately, money is a means to being lazy. Why should I get off my ass if I don't have to? I've known plenty of days where I had nothing in the bank, and had to go to some shitty job to be able to afford the next weeks groceries (if you don't believe me, sod off, I've been down the road where you're eating Saltines and soup for lunch and dinner). But, this doesn't mean that I want to go back to work now. Although, if I do, I could bring myself a few steps closer to that Marshall half-stack I've had my eye on.

(3) Literally do nothing. I have a feeling this might be my reality come August 19th. Am I that lazy? You bet. Do I really care? Sure. If I looked back ten years from now on this period in my life and saw how little I had to show for it, would I be pissed off? Possibly.