Friday, June 29, 2001


Someone somewhere will always sing the song you need.

Yeah I'm on my way to Wisconsin for the 1st time since about 1992, when I went up to my grandfather's cabin for the last time and spent an entire weekend with just my grandma+pa. Had so much fun that I haven't been back since for fear of disappointment. Madison, here we come.

I woke up at 6:24***1***, drove to Wheaton, watched my dad rip a bunch of rotted wood off his friends house, got paid, drove all the way back home by 9:55, contemplated renting a movie and then just collapsed. Profit: 22 dollars.

Until Sunday, this is Zach saying if yer going to be out watching the fireworks don't hold up yer lighters.

The next five songs on yer radio in a perfect world would be: anything from the new Wilco record; "the new collapse" by the; "bleed american" by jimmy eat world; "please forgive me" by david gray; and "dirty work" by steely dan.

In the stereo: Boogie Nights commentary, featuring a stoned Mark Wahlberg, a stupid Melora Walters and a fucking smooth Don Cheadle, Luis Guzman, and John C. Reilly, although the later speaks too much brainy's sidekick from the Smurfs.

***1***Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Aspect #124354: I set my alarm for the same times every day, regardless of whether I need to be up or not. For example, right now they are set at 5:58 and 6:24 a.m. I like to give myself about a 1/2 hour warning before I really need to get out of bed, hence the 5:58. During the school year it can vary, but not by much.


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