Thursday, June 28, 2001


I want those leads, the Glengarry leads.

No doubt to me, the greatest artist lost in ten years. A truly great actor, if not the best of his time then certainly close. Funny, capable of making you feel concrete emotion for his characters, undeniably great. When I heard it on the radio this morning all I could manage was a "no fucking way." I don't want to get too philosophical, but if there is some kind of cosmic reason for every little thing, I'd like a long, detailed, and documented explanation for killing a man who was repenting his past bad deeds by admitting to being an alcoholic***1***, killing him in a slow, violent, and brutal way, the big fucking Casino taking some kind of temporary angel who was real. Fuck his celebrity, it didn't mean a thing. He played real human beings, people who fucked up & people who let people walk all over them & people who had real problems and real happiness.

These things come in threes, always. Carol O'conner, John Lee Hooker, and the beautiful Jack Lemmon.

***1***On Inside the Actor's Studio.


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