Wednesday, June 27, 2001


Scooter: I think you (and all of the rest of our fellow BLARGist's) are right, the Nuts is most likely dead. A pity, really. Some of my favorite friends used to write some interesting stuff, and now it's all gone to the wayside. I've tried to get Matt to write every once in a while, but all he says is "dude, I don't have anything to say". End of conversation.

The King's Nuts
03/01 - 06/01
may they forever
hold their head high

Why are my ears still ringing? I should seriously consider using earplugs from now on. It's official, my new band has finally completed our first song (unless you count having lyrics, in which case we're still a group of n'er-do-goods). I like it. Straightforward. Rock. Catchy.

I feel like I'm choking to death: Zach even emailed me tonight and told me not to worry about the Poetry class, but I can't help it. I've never felt this apprehensive about a final exam before. We have to write a three-page paper during it, in class ... and that's after we do the "fill in the blank" and 15 "short essay answer" sections. To combat my misery, I'm heading up to Madison, WI this weekend w/Mr. Kuhn and his Lady Friend, the vuluptuosu Ryan (also formerly of the King's Nuts - we're all sick, sad, internet geeks aren't we?). We will be staying at the beautiful and talented Miss Nancy's apartment, drinking and taking in the sights. I have been looking forward to this all week. I haven't seen Nancy, who I used to work with at the video store about a year ago, for quite a few months now. She always manages to brighten up my day. Bless her.

Amazing how I started off the last paragraph with a reference to "choking" and ended it with the "bless her" phrase. Talk about wacky?!?!