Saturday, June 23, 2001


The Mysterious 4th BLARGer Has Returned: albeit briefly. I did, indeed, go out with Mr. Hansford tonight to the Friendship Festival in beautiful Bourbonnais, Illinois. Want to talk about freaks? You go to this fair. It's hard to tell who the carnies are, and the who the people that actually live in town are. Think I'm joking? I'm not. The place was (A) a fucking mudpit, and only through vigorously scraping my Adidas Superstars through the grassy knolls on the walk home, did I get them clean (B) filled with gangSTAR wanna be's - as far as I can tell, there are three types of people that go to the fair - (1) guys and girls that are trying to earn "respect" (ie-props from their fellow gangSTARS) (2) 14 year old girls looking to get some and (3) people (like me) that go to see the freak show unfold (C) was no different than it has ever been - the beer tent was to the south of the police station, the rides were to the west, the bands played near the beer tent, and the idiots walked in circles around the shoddy rides. I know I sound critical of where I was born and raised, but unless you've been here for a significant amount of time, you wouldn't understand. It's scary, really. So many people running around without a clue. How did we let it get this bad?

Zach: got my copy of Jesus' Son in the mail today. Watched it over at Jesse's. Fucking awesome movie, and (although I felt it before, it's multiplied tenfold) Billy Crudup is one of the best in the field today. The guy can fucking act - hands down.

Alright, it's off to my mattress in the storage room in the basement. My little brother (the one that's going to Hell) stole mine when I moved out five years ago. Fucker.