Monday, May 21, 2001


Seven is an excellent flick: and I don't care what anyone says, I like Brad Pitt. Not because he has big muscles (pronounced "musk-llles"). Not because his hair is as near to perfection, even in the rain soaked atmosphere that was Seven, as is humanly possible. But, more because he's convincing in most of the roles I've seen him play. Fuck the Peanut Gallery. They don't know shit.

The grill-out tonight went much better than last time, despite the rain. We moved it under the carport at the new apartment. Jeff grabbed some lawnchairs from his old place, and we sat in a nice breeze, inhaling smoke from the burgers and brats and hot dogs (2X) that was grillin' along. I only had to soak the coals in fluid once this time, too. As near to a perfect light as I will ever come. Even the girls from upstairs came down for a visit.

And here's the kicker - I only had two beers. I'm prepping myself for bed. You know the drill: looking around the room for the jammie-jams, throwing todays clothes in the dirty tub, getting clothes all laid out for the first day of classes. Okay, so I didn't do the latter. I'll probably just put this shirt I've got on back on when I wake up. Class starts at about 9:30, it's about a ten minute walk, so I'll get up at . .. 9:20. Sounds good.

Scooter: Congrats on the DVD. We can trade movies like baseball cards together, and stick them between the spokes of our bikes, and catch fireflies. What do you say?