Monday, May 21, 2001


Hey! Zach's not dead!

I've already done all of my homework .. .. twice, and in at least once instance three times. I am a genius silently waiting in the wings. Serious. Classes were decent. Got some guy named Tarr as my professor for poetry, and although he started off today with Beowulf, I have faith that he'll turn it around tomorrow when we leap all the way to Robert Frost. That was the name of my elementary school. Bet you didn't know that, did you? The Curriculum and Instruction class was alright. The instructor used to teach the first grade, so I'm pretty much assuming he won't be a hardass. And, I even got asked to "Jam" by some kid named Jeff. I don't think he got the hint that I wasn't really interested. Phish and Tha' Grateful Dead just aren't my bag. Nice enough fellow, though. Hope everything turns out smoothly for him.

I'm getting ready to do my homework .. again. .. and then maybe a beer (or six) before bed. For some reason I'm tired. I had no problems waking up at four in the morning for a whole year, but when the alarm goes off at 8:30 today, I can barely open my eyes. Funny.