Monday, December 15, 2003


Oxford, Alabama
Movies? I'll have to check the schedule, but I may be in.

So ... I haven't seen too many attractive people in Alabama thus far. Let me clarify: "too many" equals "none"; "thus far" means "all day." I told this to a friend earlier tonight and she replied, "But you're ugly, too." Okay. Point taken. But it's not me I need to look at to keep my mind wandering. It's other people. If I'm looking for eye candy, I'm definitely not looking in the mirror. To take a page out of Scooter's book, "I hope I'm wrong" but I think that Alabama may actually be sans attractive people. Think Indiana with bigger hills and thicker accents.

btw, I still hate Indiana.

I'm reading Michael Lewis' Moneyball right now. I bought it last night at the same time I bought David Foster Wallace's Everything and More. I got 20 pages into E & M and decided I'd try the introduction to Moneyball. The latter won out. I never thought about baseball statistics all that much, but once I got to the chapter on Bill James - specifically after I read this quote concerning fielding 'errors': "What is an error? It is, without exception, the only major statistic in sports which is a record of what an observer thinks should have been accomplished. It's a moral judgment, really, in the peculiar quasi-morality of the locker room.... Basketball scorers count mechanical errors, but those are a record of objective facts: team A has the ball, then team B has the ball.... But the fact of a baseball error is that no play has been made but that the scorer thinks it should have. It is, uniquely, a record of opinions." - I just could not stop reading. He went on to talk about all kinds of other inaccuracies in the way baseball is scored, such as how it depends on who is in the field as to what hit is an out and what hit is a hit. As well as how the major difference between a .300 batter and a .275 batter is one hit every two weeks, which is ultimately not much in the overall scope of things. The talk about Billy Beane and the Oakland A's is interesting, but it gets a bit old sometimes. I think I find this book much more interesting because it talks about the work of Bill James and how people like the Oakland front office are finally willing to put some of his ideas into play. If you like baseball at all - even to the nth degree - you should read this book. It'll change the way you look at the game ... I think.

I'm listening to music through my headphones right now, but the television is also on. It's muted. It's showing pictures of burnt up cigarettes and alarming medical statistics about something, but I can't tell what, exactly, because it's just showing abbreviations of certain chemicals (I think) and how dangerous they are (I think). I give up on the anti-smoking fight. People are going to smoke no matter what. They know how stupid it is. They know how bad it is for their health (and the health of the people around them). And they know that they're stupid for being duped into smoking. So what's the point of all this anti-smoking stuff still raging on year after year? Stupid stupids.*

It's Lyle Lovett now. I'm not going to say anything bad about him. I know two pieces of information about the guy: he was able to weasel his way into Julia Roberts' panties, and he's a country musician/singer. Fuck. Go for it, dude. For a guy that looks like that to schtoop Roberts ... wow. There's not much bad you can say about him, right? I can say bad things about cars, though, right? My car's fucked up again. It broke down in Kankakee over the weekend. It's still there. The special friend and I unexpectedly stayed the night at the parent's on Saturday, and took a little trip to both of the local bars in Bourbonnais - one is behind the other. I saw an old friend who shipped out to Iraq today, I suppose. I asked him if he was anxious about the trip, to which he replied, "Yeah, totally. I'll actually be able to kill people legally now." (sound of Marc sighing). I also drank (nearly) an entire pint of Guinness.*** The special friend only got about 3/4 or 3/5 of the way through hers, and she loves the stuff. I prefer Bass, myself...

Can you tell I'm extremely bored?

* To any and all smokers reading this - including friends, lovers and enemies - you win! Congratulations. Smoke. I'm officially announcing that you are all exonerated. In an ironic twist, I've decided that I will try my hardest to start smoking this year. This is my New Year's Resolution. Straight to the top with a bang, hopefully. What's the easiest brand to start on? Marlboro Ultralights? Please fill me in. I want into the club.**
** As an addendum, my second New Year's resolution: I will try my hardest to start drinking coffee. I just haven't really given it the old college try yet. But, now that I'm almost done with college, maybe I can goad myself into downing a whole cup of the stuff while it's still warm.
*** Resolution #3: Force self to drink more Guinness. To me, it has always tasted like a combination of both cigarettes and coffee, thus I never drank it. But, I figure if I get going on the cigarettes now, and start in on the coffee sometime before summer, I should be Guinness-ready by mid-August. Just look for me at Bears Training Camp. I'll be the guy with a cigarette dangling from my mouth, a thermos in my left hand, and a pint glass in my right. I'll also be dead by December. Instead of flowers, please send nude pictures of yourself to my friend Ernest. He lives in Puerto Rico in a box on the beach. He says he likes crabs. Or that he has crabs. I forget which.


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