Saturday, November 29, 2003


I'm still here. My typing finger is fine.

My family had a real scare the day before Thanksgiving when my sister totalled her car in the countryside outside Joliet. Apparently she did not see a Dodge Ram towing a Bobcat and pulled out a bit too pre-maturely from a two-way stop sign only to be t-boned by the speeding pick-up truck. According to a young woman I talked to at the scene (after I saw my sister's ambulance race away to the hospital) my sister's car spun around five or six times before landing in the ditch off the side of the road. She was knocked unconscious for a few minutes. But that's not all. The pick-up lost control and ran engine first into a power line, knocking out power for a few miles in each direction (luckily it was a rural area) and downing the power lines at the intersection. My sister's door was jammed shut as a result of being t-boned, which ended up being a good thing with all the power lines sparking all around her car. The ambulance showed up, they had to cut her out of the car, and she went to the hospital where she (miraculously) ended up with only a few cuts and bruises. Her neck, shoulders, and back still hurt, but thankfully she is still alive. The paramedics at the scene told us that, had the pick-up hit her a few feet earlier, she would not have been with us come Thanksgiving Day.

That's an eye-opener if ever there was one. I was barelling down I-57 after dropping my lady off at work at the un-Godly hour of 7-ish, when my Dad calls me and tells me that my sister had been in a pretty serious car accident. They told me the intersecting roads, gave me rough directions, and I caromed off down the I-80 on-ramp to try and find her to make sure she was okay.

After hitting up the accident site and talking to some of the emergency personel there (as well as the witness and a man that lived in a house on that corner) I took off to Silver Cross hospital where I met up with my parents and my other sister (who had sped up from Kankakee) just in time to see them wheeling my sister on a stretcher out of the x-ray room, into the cat-scan room. She had that neck brace on, and the back and sides of her head were still bleeding from her earrings, and she was pretty out of it still. She called my mom immediately after re-awakening from the accident and simply kept saying, "I think I've been hit. I think I've been hit." She has no recollection of the accident, the phone call, or most of the ride to the hospital.

Luckily, though, she's fine. Just a few bruises and a really sore upper-body. But she was there on Thursday, and she'll be there next semester to teach at the school she was driving to - she was on her way to meet her cooperating teacher and her 1st grade class for the first time.

So. That's been my Thanksgiving Break, kind of. Straight Legged Kick did a little recording earlier in the week, and ended up with a rousing acoustic rendition of the old fan favorite, "1100". Scoot has a brand new set of singing pipes, and they sound fantastic. Rick used a really shitty drumset for our recording, but he made it sound as pop-punk as ever. Matt played a show the same night we recorded, and Rollo Tomasi sounded thicker than I've ever heard them. They put the other bands to shame. I've been in Chicago off and on all week, except for Thanksgiving and the day before when I went to Kankakee. My grandpa listened to the new SLK songs and told me that he was a little disappointed in the direction my musical abilities were taking me. I then played him a stirring rendition of the Civil War-era "Ashokan Farewell." We listened to some of my mp3's for a while -- Louis Armstrong, Ben Folds, Etta James, and so forth -- afterwards he proclaimed that I was "outstanding." Right now I'm working on putting together a portfolio for a class. My lady is drawing a picture for the cover. I'm sitting in the corner. Her roommate just turned the television volume back on.

We're all lucky to be alive.


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