Wednesday, December 03, 2003


I guess that Rick has redone the SLK website* and put up a .wma file of "1100." If you'd like to download it and listen to what we did last week, then by all means [CLICK HERE] to do so. I like the song. Zach doesn't. But I do. Everything depends, I guess.

I'm rewriting (read: revamping) an old story of mine for my last paper. I put up a website about it on Monday, but I don't think that anyone went there. So I took it down. Whatever. Easy come, easy go. I've been drinking (kind of) since 6:30 when I decided that the only liquid I still had in the fridge was Honey Brown. It was either that or water to compliment my macaroni and cheese (last box of that, too, by the way). My eyes are heavy.

I've stopped doing that "One. Two. Three. Four. Up Next. Tomorrow." bullshit. I would imagine that it was pretty annoying to have to go through all that junk every day. In fact, I blame that whole system, kind of, for me not really writing all that much lately. It just got to be too much to have to come up with either four different thoughts, or one thought that would fill up four separate sections. Thinking too much has been my enemy lately.

Much like fatty foods have always been my enemy. For lunch today I ate at Zorba's. I had a ham n' cheese omelette. My roommate had gyro meat, eggs, hasbrowns and toast. Her boyfriend had eggs. Afterwards I took a nap and pretended to still be asleep when my roommate came home from class. But really I had to go to the bathroom, so I couldn't pretend to sleep for too long. I peed and it felt good. Then I went to my room to rip all my Beatles albums onto my hard drive. Hey guys, do you remember when I "re-discovered" the Beatles back in '01? I've lately been listening (exclusively) to them again. My favorite song at the moment is "I Will" from the White Album. My least favorite song is "Yellow Submarine." I don't like that song at all.

My eyes feel heavy. Must be the beer. I almost dropped my cellphone in the toilet this evening. It fell out of my hoodie pouch and landed harmlessly on the bathroom floor. That would've sucked if I would've dropped it into the toilet.

And I'm out.

* SLK, for those of you who don't know, was myself, Scoot, Rick, and Matt's old band. We weren't the greatest, and no one really liked us all that much, so we broke up a long time ago. April of 2001, I think. An old guitar player of ours - our friend John Baird - along with his brother, Reuben, has just opened up a new recording studio on the southwest side of Chicago on W. 63rd. It's called Chicago Sound Lab and it is, hands down, the nicest studio I've ever recorded in. John did us a solid and recorded us all day the Tuesday before Thanksgiving for very little - I think I bought Reuben a hot dog and a drink from Portillo's, and Rick took care of John's order. To make a long story short, "1100" used to be this really fast, really anthemic punk song that had all the stops in it - kick-ass breakdowns, screamy sing-alongs, and an all-for-one sing-along/breakdown section in it - but we'd always wanted to re-record it as an acoustic track. Well, lo and behold, Rick and myself had gotten done doing all the basic tracks for our plugged in stuff and we had some free time. Hence, an acoustic version of our old song, "1100." Please take a listen. We think you'll be pleasantly suprised.


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