Monday, March 17, 2003


I should probably have said at the outset that I'm noted for having something of a sense of humour. -- March 15/16 in A Monthy Python 2003 Desktop Calendar

One. Apple computers don't like it when you highlight a block of text and push Ctrl + C to copy it. They seem to hate that move so much they just erase everything and give you no chance to retrieve it. Happened to me Friday on a computer in a city far, far away from here. The post was funny, too. Er, well, it was funny to me. I can't speak for the rest of you sods who apparently hate me. Que-ev, eh? Anywho, I hadn't the heart to retype everything and repost it, cause I knew that I would most likely push Ctrl + C right before I hit Post & Publish, and I wasn't willing to watch my wonderfully witty ramblings disappear for a second time.

Two. The zoo and myself ran into each other on Saturday afternoon in Chicago. I have polaroids to prove it. Mostly though, I just walked around giving all the various animals different personalities, though the word "different" is a bit misleading. The camels hated walking around their mud encrusted section because they were from Africa where it is hot, not cold, so they were complaining and mad. The zebra felt pretty much the same way, as did the sloth-looking monkeys with really long arms in the primate house. They were the most unique cause I gave them stoner personalities. They were just laying there scratching each other's elbows, unlike this one monkey in a cage not too far away. I think the five year old standing next to me pegged him down best when he screamed, "Daddy! That monkey's playing with his weenie!" Hilarity ensued.

Three. Yesterday was the Great Reunion of sorts. I arrived home far before anyone else, had to time to finish my homework, and then loaf around on the couch for an hour or two until everyone else showed up. My mom even sent my sister back to Blormal with more free food, just for me. When my dad called to see how it went down (mmm ... bratwursts) we were halfway through a terrible Pee Wee's Playhouse special on HBO, with the volume cranked and people practically yelling at each other to make themselves heard. Yeah. It's like that. I hope my dad didn't think I was drunk. Cause I wasn't.

Four. I know most people have already put in their two cents on that whole French Fries becoming Freedom Fries thing, yet I still feel compelled to make my voice heard. This is so f**king stupid. Seriously. If this actually originated in the Congressional cafeteria, I think we need to take a hard look at the people that we have running our government. These are probably the same people who consistently made fun of retarded kids during recess in grade school, laughed at the less fortunate kids' no-name shoes while they were wearing David Robinson Ultra-Hi-Tops in junior high, and made it a point to let people know they were simply "cooler" than everyone else in high school. This is like looking at someone and saying, "I know you are but what am I?" over and over again. SNL's Weekend Update parodied it best this past weekend when they claimed that the French are now calling American cheese, "Idiot Cheese."

Up Next: "Following Through" by the Dismemberment Plan; "Superpowers" by Five Iron Frenzy; and "Sleep Out" by the Mt St Helens.
Tomorrow: Passing time.


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