Tuesday, February 18, 2003


Mostly sunny. High of seventy-five.

Once, I am very upset at the Town of Normal for ruining my sneakers. I had a daydream today, as I was standing almost ankle deep in a pile of brown, slushy snow, that I became the outspoken King of the Sidewalk Shovelling Movement. I also nearly pinned a note to a total stranger's door for having taken a few moments to clear a path in front of his/her house. I hate wet, cold feet.

Twice, I have slowly begun to come to the realization that stressing oneself out does not help out in any form -- no matter the situation. I assumed I did a project wrong last Monday because I overheard a conversation between the professor and a student during the class break, and have since spent the last seven days worrying about whether or not I would be penalized for doing something incorrectly, and so forth. Turns out that the "F" I assumed I would received magically appeared as an "A-" on my actual paper. Moral of the story: getting better grades makes you a better person.

Thrice, as soon as I found myself getting into Ted Leo's new album, Hearts of Oak, my copy has suddenly disappeared. I blame it on the ghosts that live in my VCR. They eat tapes. They like dust. And they steal cd's at exactly the right moment. I'm waiting for the ransom note. I've heard the ghosts talk about how they haven't seen Ishtar in quite a while. I'm not sure I'm willing to make that trade.

Four, I thought I would be uber-tired this evening. But it's now gone just 2:25am and I am still awake, sitting in front of the glow of my computer screen(s). I also just ate ice cream, and my tummy hurts.

Three Sarcastic Lies: one, Watch out, Jesus is watching!; two, I'd rather drive in a snowstorm anyday; and three, Not Another Teen Movie is, hands down, the greatest cinematic achievement of the past twenty years.



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