Thursday, September 19, 2002

Zach Oooh!n

That this life which you call everything/it's life and that's all it's gonna be

Oh. Now I can say I'm a graduate of a third-tier university. The fact that rankings even exist...I would venture to say that an English graduate from ISU is in the top 30-40% of English majors in the country, based on the quality of the work and teaching here, but I still have that "third-tier" shit hanging over me.

Oh! A great band signs to a label that is run by a goddamned hippy whose goddamned fans are goddamned morons and won't like AGB cos jeezwhere'sthejammingman? F.

Oh that shouldn't be funny but it is. Humor works, and it's working here. Something about snot bubbles and yelling and having cops think you're great works for me.


And PS, Mjarcie. I could have won six games in a row for you if you would have let me. The secret to defense is to keep your fucking hands off the controller when playing defense. Let the computer do the work--they rarely miss tackles and they don't overrun the play like humans do. It's a hard thing to do, but you have to.

next five: "anything for now" by do make say think; "nyc" by interpol; "the way that he sings" by my morning jacket; "quit touching your joystick (what's love got to do with it?)" by lois lane; and "jonathan fisk" by spoon.

in the stereo: do make say think


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