Wednesday, September 18, 2002


On the "Real" World
First things first -- people don't live in seven-person apartments atop casinos/hotels in Las Vegas. I'm not looking for an apartment on top of a boat that has video poker machines in Peoria, am I? No. So when does this "Real" world begin? Where does it end? These people are living in Las Vegas. Las Vegas, in case you haven't noticed, is the least "real" place there is. Nothing there is normal. Drinks are free, money is tossed around like it's useless and free, alcohol is on the streets at all times, and there isn't any other place near it within a hundred mile radius. It's not a normal place to live (though I will begrudgingly admit that my cousin lives there -- he used to work at Area 51, if you can believe that).

Second. These people were naked and skinny-dipping within the first night, I presume. It was hard to gauge a timeframe on that damned show. The good little Louisiana girl (who, in case you've never been to LA, is probably a stripper anyways) is already sleeping in the same bed with one dude (and he wouldn't shut up, which is ruined his chances, if you ask anyone that was at our place tonight), and making out with another dude (who had the most annoying drunk voice in the world ... like ever). People don't do this. I'm not competing with my roommate Luke to try and get into our roommate Erin's panties. She's our ROOMMATE, dammit. I had problems when roomy Jeff last year started messing around with our upstairs neighbor. I hate confrontational episodes, or even the thought of confrontational episodes. Bad. Bad. Bad.

Third. I will probably watch this show for the entire duration of the season as the clips at the end showed (a) a fight between Annoying Drunk Voice Guy and Little Slut Girl With A Weight Complex; (b) the Hick From Pennsylvania is obviously a psycho, and is going to drag this making out episode out for-fucking-ever; (c) Annoying Drunk Voice Guy might have gotten Potential LA Stripper Girl pregnant! Can you believe it? Impossible.

Finally. I've been having solid days these past two weeks. Just thought I'd drop that line. Smell all y'all later.


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