Monday, August 12, 2002


Oh Virginia, no one can hold you.

Welcome to the fold my new pet, Horatio Sanz the BlackBear Hamster. He’s about three inches long, and tends to spend most of his hours burrowing into the corners of his cage or sleeping in his food dish. We bought him this little ball that he can crawl into and run around the apartment in, but right now he’s not exactly embracing the idea of me touching him. He’s a good chap. If I were technological, I would put up a link with his picture. Alas.

This weekend meant the Old Settler’s Festival in beautiful Brimfield, Illinois. Highlight of the events (aside from being with the Ry, of course), included being attacked by a Russian ex-patriot with a pitcher of beer not once not twice but thrice; watching an old man (85 minimum) totally rock out to a local jazz band, including one session where he swung his arms in the ai-ur and waved em like he just didn’t kay-ur; and meeting theRy’s bro’s new dog, Billy the 13Inch beagle puppy.

Tomorrow, school starts. Hope I don’t get into a verbal joust. A week of unpaid training. Nice.

Recently: Tift Merritt--Bramble Rose---Great album, getting heavy play on Country Music Television. More soul than honkey tonk, more songwriting than storytelling, more grit than sun. Plus the video is a great, one take, Paul Thomas Anderson Style thing. Highlight: “Virginia, no one can hold you”

Kind of Like Spitting--Bridges Worth Burning---A guy whose connections are endlessly flaunted and whose ability is either striking or off-putting. 12 songs, 6 great, 6 nearly awful. Not nearly as awful as the band name, but awful. Highlight(s): “passionate” and the artwork.

And I’m up to 8871/15,000 in my quest to be a total nerd. Updated in detail if time allows.

And I’m addicted to’s Marketplace. Sold 15 things in the past week. Including the soundtrack to the smash featurefilm “Feeling Minnesota”.

And GregStatique and I are in a mad dash to win the Fantasy Baseball league, with a head-to-head, balls on the keyboard battle royale this week.

And I miss theRy.

And are still the best band in Chicago.

And Signs was a great movie. With a bad bad bad ending. As we walked out of the theater, I said to theRy, "The BibleBeaters are going to turn this into a religious movie." To which she eyerolled and sighed. What did I see on the JesusLovesYouIfYouPayUs Channel? A positive review of the movie, with a special "this is a great movie to take your children to to renew their faith in God and in our lord Jesus". Ack. The ending is unnecessary, and it leads to this tomfoolery. Shame.

And also about Signs: Best use of the phrase "douche-bag" like ever.

And a scene from an episode of Michael moore's The Awful Truth
George Bush II: (to Michael Moore) Why don't you go out and find some real work
cut to: M.M on a pay phone
MM: Hey dad? yeah hi it's mike. Hey. Can you line me up with a job at one of your buddy's oil companies? Or maybe buy me a major league franchise? No? Oh.

And I’m out.

next five: “virginia, no one can hold you” by Tift Merritt; “passionate” by kindoflikespitting; “suicide invoice” by hot snakes; “mjarcie buys a vowel and a nutsack” by lois lane; and “how near how far” by …and you will know us by the trail of dead.

in the stereo: Horatio pushing his wheel, the fan, Tift Merritt


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