Thursday, February 14, 2002


[There used to be something here about how awesome Kenzo was when he talks about people bitching about Valentine's Day. And, while I still believe that Kenzo is awesome, and I like to hang out with the guy, I would just like to reaffirm to everyone that I still believe that Valentine's Day is fucking bullshit. Not so much for me, because its kind of obsolete for me, seeing as how I don't have anyone to celebrate it with, and that's fine. Although, I will have to say that someone sent me an anonymous Valentine's Day email today with Braid lyrics, and that's killer, though its probably from a dude. Probably a dude I know, but male/female, either way, its the thought that counts. Thank you very much. But really, it's just another day for me. But I've got a fallen homey on my hands, and I feel fucking terrible for them. So, I'm going to bow my head out of respect and say, 'this is fucking horseshit'. Que the sad bastard music.]

On the plus side, I got an awesome Valentine's Day present yesterday -- a motherfucking tax refund check, sucka's. Hell yeah. And its all going straight to my credit card bill. Can you say, "squared away"? Stick that in your sock and smoke it, Corporate America. I had big plans for that check at the end of the summer, before I realized how hard it was to stop myself from spending money I didn't have. You ever just gone out and said, "I need a pair of Doc Martens"? I did in August, and they still aren't paid off. I do that with the credit card bill. I go through it, see what I spent it on, and then keep a mental list in my head of what's been paid off and what hasn't. I paid off all those hotel rooms and airline tickets months ago, but for some reason, I still was getting relatively large bills. That's right, I kept forgetting to stop using the damn thing. I was still out there buying CD's and DVD's and books like there was no tomorrow. When I was making the money I was making last year, that wasn't a problem. Easily affordable. I haven't worked forty hours since last August. Not so affordable anymore, but I still won't do something stupid like go and buy groceries. What the fuck am I thinking?

With this tax check, though, its all going to go away ... at least until next month. Goodbye extended bass amp repairs, which take way too fucking long. Can you say 9 months? Bye all reasonable accounts, I should've had a kid by now ... ooh. Wait. Back that train up. Goodbye Doc Martens, and dress shirts for that wedding last Christmas. Goodbye new towel and pillow, and multiple sets of guitar strings. Goodbye Vegas hotel room and rental car, and that Denny's breakfast we ate out there that one day. I'll miss you all. And I'm sure we'll meet up again someday soon.


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