Friday, January 18, 2002


This Post Dedicated to the Memory of Olive, the apartment hamster -- 1999 - 2002
Our roommate's teeny-weeny hamster died two days ago, which isn't depressing in and of itself, but its just kind of a small little bump-in-the-road bummer. I've already used the death to my advantage in classes this week by mentioning it and watching oodles and oodles of girls practically swoon. "OOOOOOHHHHHH! That's so saaaaadddd!" Whatev. That hamster probably bit me ten times, which is approximately the same number of times I tried to pick him up. He also used to drop little dooks in his running wheel and they'd rattle around and around until I couldn't stand it anymore, because I'd be reading in the living room for a class, so I'd get him out of the wheel, and block him out of it.

Not much to report lately. Getting back into the swing of things, drinking, and trying to enjoy life before it gets hectic again. I got my final shipment of books today: Book 1 : Book 2 : Book 3. I'm hoping I can get them all read during the course of the semester, on top of all the assigned reading I've got. Who knows? It'll be a challenge, but I should be up to it.

One absolutely key scene tonight: I saw my underage roommate, Jeff, walking down the street as I was walking home from the bar. He screamed. I screamed. We both start literally fucking bounding towards each other and spontaneously jump and hug in mid-air. Fucking key. He's fucked in two months when he turns 21, b/c he's the last of our kind to do so. We love him, but he hates us, kind of, just a little bit. Smooches, and snoogens.


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