Monday, November 26, 2001

Zook INcandenZA

Isn't it, yeah?

First and foremost, I'd like to send a frown and a set of disappointed eyes to
Greg Plus Three for missing the Dismemberment Plan because, and this I quote from Becky, "he spilled something on his jeans and had to do laundry so he could wear them to work tomorrow". This should add to the now public humiliation of losing to me in fantasy football this week. I'm giving you that look, Greg.

All in all the show gets a hearty B-, which is the lowest grade I've ever given to a D-Plan show. I was all excited to see them at the Metro, paid 12 extra dollars for 2 tix, and then found the house barely 3/4 of capacity. But I am not discouraged, since the show starts at 7 and that means we'll be home by midnight. And then the opening band doesn't start. And they don't start. And they don't start. 30 minutes of me looking at gregStatic and saying things like "Jesus Christ this is taking forever". finally they arrive, and they are a duo who sound almost exactly like the Spinanes except less porous, and they're all apologies and the crowd lets them know that 30 minutes of wasted time is 30 minutes of wasted Plan time.

So the rest of the show is a bored blur. Ted Leo was unexceptional. His bass player, however, is a sight to see. During one of those xplosive breakdown parts the Leo is famous for, the other three guys are all jumpy and whatnot, and the bass player only moves his eyes up and down. Like he was trying to jump, but all that would move were his eyes. Jeez he's fun to watch.

So then the Plan play and it's like the same setlist as always xcept I know the words to the new ones now and they have the same intense energy but I just can't move my ass cos my back hurts from standing for four hours and the smoke of that place JesusChrist you'd think people would stop smoking already don't they live in the same planet I do? They did do a rousing version of "ok, joke's over" which always lifts my spirits. They also, however, had a troup of dancers that were on stage that were humorous at first and then sad and then aggravating and then maddening. These were 7 average girls and 1 dude who tore his shirt off like we were all there to see him do it, and they annoyed me more than ATRock.

Speaking of which, Mjarcie reports getting a dirty look from her. All I have to say is 110-109.

And then after the show I'm buying a t-shirt and this dude who had introduced the Plan in a leather bondage style getup with those awful aviatar sunglasses that are neither fun nor funny anymore, well he's standing there with a video camera, and he goes:
Him: You want to be on camera?
Me: Not really. (to the merch girl) can i get this in a Large?
Him: (camera on, pointed at me) so we're doing a tour diary for the Plan. How many times have you seen them?

So he roped me into that. In two months he alleges I will be seen by a large audience on their tour movie. That'd be me in the green t-shirt and the big head, talking bout how I have such a big head that "one size fits all" hats won't even fit me, and him saying "Jeez. You and Eric are like identical fucking twins" and me saying "yeah, except I can't play bass".

And I played Balderdash with Ry and her family. Her dad's entire objective was to get her mom to pick his answer once, just once. When she did, he went into hysterical laughter and said things like "I got you! I Got YOU!" He also invented an actor named Guy Hunter, who by the end of the game was part of all of his answers. I wrote them down cos they were fucking hysterical, but alas I lost them.

sorry. i know yer dying to hear 'em.

Next fivre: anything and everything off Gold by rYan adams


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