Tuesday, November 13, 2001

turd ferguson

please feel free to refer to yesterday's ramble for matters concerning the heart.

please feel free to discover your own "T-POT Toughies". or be lazy like maat and make up unistepsters.

and please feel free to blow your kisses at my backside.

like ohmagod i just remembered i heard the best story from a nurse-in-training-type-person this past weekend. she works in a hospital, and had some old woman fart on her arm somehow. it made my night. i kept asking the girl if her arm hair parted with the wind. heh, i'm still laughing about it. then there was this other story about some guy with a sac the size of a basketball. he had to walk like an "x-treme cowboy" (just coined that phrase). she had to clean him or some awful thing. i shivered.

but the fart definitely parted her arm hairs. they swayed in the breeze.


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