Sunday, November 11, 2001


Changed my name again. It's Norwegian, just like me. But the "j" is silent. Take note.

This was probably one of the more interesting weekends down here. Saw a few fights break out, tried to stay uninvolved, but didn't want to look away. Cokeheads don't need to argue. I think we all agree on that. My littlest sister (18 yrs) came down for the first time last night. Got her hammered. Its nice to see that someone will carry on for me after I graduate .... wait, she'll probably finish before I do. Nevermind. She really was the life of the party, and I loved having her around. At one point, someone mentioned something about waxing assholes, and I all I hear is "NO FUCKING WAY!" out of the kid's mouth, as if a waxed asshole was truly the greatest achievement one could attain. Priceless.

Saw the Mount Saints play at the Prairie House again, and I think I've come to the conclusion that they should stay a wee bit sober for performances. Funny to watch. At one point, Mast screams out, "You suck!". Quinn's reply: "You wrote it.***1***" Timeless.

And this time, it's true, I am going to Las Vegas. Booked. Bargained. Beautiful. Myself and The Pike (and possibly Zook) will be heading there for the five beautiful days between Christmas and New Year's. I think I'd like to have a "Who Can Get A Better Tan Over Christmas Vacation Contest" using polaroid snapshots. Anyone who lives in a non-wintertime-suntannable locale can enter. Just let me think up the perameters. Why polaroids? They're sensitive to the skin. The day after New Years, myself and the Family head to Hawaii for two weeks. Unbelievable. If I don't get a tan this time, I'll be friggin' pissed.

There are also two more links up on the side: (1) Veronica @ A Borrowed Title was kind enough to link us without telling us. I always feel terrible when I find ones with our site alreay linked. Note to self: more vigilance. (2) Sean, Kenzo, and Co. @ Bitches Get Stitches will be happy if you stop by and check out what is soon going to be the most offensive, non-photographic/non-pornographic site on the Matrix. They live here. 'Zo and I have classes together. They scare me. Check them out.

***1*** I doubt Mast actually wrote the song, but he did get up and play a few tunes at the end of the set. I wasn't present, thankfully. I heard he took a solo***2***.
***2*** ouch


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