Monday, November 12, 2001


We put up new pictures from Halloween, 2001. Names, as always, were changed to protect the innocent. Go there, or not. We ain't give a fuck.

If you're coming here from The Hey Mercedes BLARG, welcome. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on which way you look at it), we update pretty often, and the stories that Bob mentioned are already tucked safely away in our archives. Before you fret, don't worry, I found them for you. Just [CLICK HERE] and look for November 9, 2001. Now, back to your originally scheduled program.

I keep forgetting that I found an online version of JEZBALL - by far the greatest game ever invented. We may have talked about the wars myself and Zook used to have at this game when we lived in the dorms. I don't remember there being a definite winner ***1***, but I assure you its mucho fun. If you have an office job, you might not want to follow the link. The chances of work getting done while that's up on your browser are slim to none. Sorry, suckers.

The easiest solution is to quit your job and slack off.

Trying to brainstorm ways to have maximum amounts of cash in Vegas without making myself go homeless next semester. Any ideas on cheap, fun-filled activities out there would be greatly appreciated ***2***. Emails at the top, lemme know. We've got to have at least a few people that have been to Vegas, and went there on a shoe-string budget.

Or are we the only poor-asses around right now? Hmm...

***1*** though Zook will almost positively remember himself as the champion.
***2*** including casinos that don't screw you. "What number am I thinking of?" "Five!" "Seven." "Damn!"


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