Sunday, November 18, 2001


What are you waiting for? It's The NormalBLARGs Webring. We know we used a free server, and we know it looks horrible (and we also know that starting your own webring is just about the dorkiest thing you can possibly do), but that doesn't mean we don't want you to join. Christ on a countertop!

The absolute key to having a good night is staying out as long as possible. That's when the real drunk assholes really start to rear their ugly heads. We were walking from one closed liquor store to another when we passed a party. A few people step inside the party to take pisses. As we start walking down the street again, we notice this guy following us two blocks back, or so, yelling random phrases like "you wanna fight" and "let's fucking go!" Why? No one knows. We just kept walking .. and so did he. Absolutely classic. "If you cross that sidewalk, we're going to fuck you up!" we'd yell. He'd cross the sidewalk, and my boy Luke would start screaming, "I can't believe he fucking crossed the sidewalk!" and so on at each and every block. Was he actually going to fight us? Probably not. Were we ever going to fight him? Hell no. Was it funny? Believe it.

We also finally got busted by a cop for carrying alcohol. Been trying to get busted for going on seven or eight months now. Copper starts walking towards myself, Scooter, Mast, and Luke - I see him and tell everyone to hold on a second so we can get busted. Ask him what the secret to getting busted on a regular basis is and he says, "you need that deer in the headlights type look". We just must look too composed.


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