Wednesday, November 07, 2001

Marcie (m)

Never have been too big on cell phones, but that doesn't mean I don't have one. I needed one. Traveling and such, you've got to be able to let your partners and whatnot let you know where you're at. What I don't understand is this whole push lately with two-way messaging on cell phones. What the fuck's the point of taking the time to type out a message on a keypad when you can just dial the number and talk to the person directly? Just doesn't make too much sense ***1***.

You should see my hair right now. Seriously, the biggest poofball I've had in ages.

Mast: Do you have Lifetime's "Hello Bastards"?
Marcie (m): Yeah.
Mast: Where's it at?
I point to the CD rack, Mast spends aprox. 10 seconds looking at the wrong row
Marcie (m): They're in alphabetical order.
Mast: Yeah, I know. I can't remember where "L" is.

Think about it. It's funny.

***1*** unless, of course, you're deaf.


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