Thursday, November 08, 2001

Marcie (m)

The Henry's Diary has hit me like a force, dude(tte)s. I looked at every single entry, because its just about as captivating as it gets. I wish I could say, "I wish my parent's would've done this for me" but we all know that saying that would be retarded. Al Gore hadn't yet invented the internet back in '79. Maybe its the inner-wanna-be-Dad in me, but the little pictures with the little captions were seriously moving. Don't mean to wax sappy, but its true. I hope the kid can grow up and appreciate what his dad's doing for him. So many never see that their parent's (for the most part) had good intentions.

I know mine did ***1***, except of course for the times my mom used to dress me up in polo shirts and corduroy pants for school picture day. Never much liked that, but I understand now that we were on a budget or my dad is color blind or someone who wasn't me was picking my clothes, and we couldn't afford clean t-shirt after clean t-shirt. They say I was a messy child. Who would've thunk it? I think that the best feeling in the world is knowing that you always have a home to go to, even though your little brother stole your bedroom, and the garage is full of ethernet cable, and the whole house has been turned into one big computer network, its still the same house that I grew up in, the one where my mom picked the thorns out from under my eye in ***2***. It's the same place that I have all of my extra "stuff", whether that be old Jodeci Unplugged cassette singles, old papers from kindergarten (yes, my mom kept it all), bowling pins that my friends all signed for me on my birthday once, etc. My dad will give me a $20 bill everytime I leave for Bloomtown, and secretly, too. I know my mom knows. He knows my mom knows, but he still makes a big show of doing it, and that's comforting.

Zook's right. That site is cute/funny/heartbreaking. It really is. If you haven't checked it out, yet, do so. I emailed my mom about it. You should too.

***1*** this is where I start to shamelessly plug how awesome my parent's are.
***2*** ran into a thorn patch while playing football once. Not the smartest move I've ever made.


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