Monday, October 22, 2001

Marcie (m) Megalopolis

It's an S.O.S. .. oh, yes.

I'm one of those people who sleeps all night long on one side of my head. As a result of this, my hair sticks straight up to one side, regardless of how long I slept for. I have to wear a hat for a good five straight hours to get it back down. And word has it that there's a Curriculum and Instruction professor that won't start class if people are wearing hats, and his classes sometimes start at eight. And, I'm fucked, plain and simple.

MattKick was playing ye olde StraightLeggedKick EP this morning. Have you ever recorded something, thought it sounded good for about a year and a half or so, and then suddenly wondered what the fuck you were thinking when you recorded your vocal track? I have. This morning. I sound like an over-ambitious moose getting strangled. Boo.

And, I had a dream that someone snuck onto our site and figured out how to add themselves onto our "BLARGer team" and called themselves by Zook's real name but used the moniker "Death Cub" and posted really embarassing stuff about me all the time. And by all the time I'm talking like 24 hours a day. Just nonstop sad but true things about my life. Ouch, brain. That hurt.


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