Friday, October 19, 2001

Marcie (m) Megalopolis

I'm still a dude, just in case you were wondering. That's what the "(m)" stands for. Male. Get it?


Bars are funny. They're not all that great when you first get there, and they probably still aren't all that great if you leave within the first ten to thirty minutes. But, after you've been there for four hours or so, you can't help having fun. Know what I mean? For example, take Karaoke night a few weeks ago, during the Infamous Dart Debacle (heretofore known as IDD). Watching people botch terrible songs over and over again = suck. Deciding to play darts = good idea. Three consecutive losses (should) = depressing. But its not. You're drunk if you took the time to play three straight games of darts, and here's why. Everytime you throw, and you go pull your darts out of the board, and you hand them to the next person, you always grab your drink. And what's the first thing you think to do when you first grab your drink? You take a big gulp. Correct. You'll probably go through four or five decent sized drafts if you're anything like me.

But, then again, I didn't play darts last night, so why am I really talking about it?

And I felt the need for a last name. Don't know why. Incandenza's a good one, "so good it shoulda' been mine". Megalopolis just seems appropriate to me. Can't say why.


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