Sunday, October 21, 2001

Marcie (m) Megalopolis

Apparently, you don't have to be on the other side of the world to have a good weekend. Much like our Australian friend Michelle, I found myself pleasantly surprised with the outcome of the past few days. No rock shows. No city landscapes here. Just good old fashioned college fun. I am now the third person on the Superhero that has been asked very straightforwardly if I am gay or not. The answer, sadly, is "no". Unlike the other two, though, my questioning came from a person seven years my junior. How frighteningly disheartening! I was taken completely off guard by the question, asked while waiting in line to go to the bathroom at a party ***1***. But, when it comes down to it, I can't help but laugh. I've got to give the kid credit for being so bold about asking someone who's obviously much older that kind of question? And, if I look at my past history with the opposite sex, I can't help but think that maybe switching sides would be kind of a good thing. But, that's neither here nor there.

The Bears won (24 - 0), too. I have "go bears" written on my chest. The "g" goes around the right nipple, the "s" goes around the left one. Don't ask, and I won't tell ***2***.

Last night, we had a surprise birthday party for our boy, GrantCrush ***3***. The standard way to start out a surprise party is to have the lights off, and the living room full in anticipation, right? We swing it differently down here. After about four or five minutes in total darkness, MattKick says "should I get naked?" A perfectly normal question at our apartment. Everyone gets naked around here at one point or another. We all decide that not only should he get naked, but we should all hide and MattKick should be the only one in the room. "Surprise ... uh ..." GrantCrush walks in with a fully-nude MattKick sitting spreadeagle on the kitchen counter. Classic.

***1*** in and of itself a strange place to ask someone about their sexual orientation.
***2*** An army of one.
***3*** Since most every male I know is in a band, and we've decided to change names to protect the innocent, I will be reverting back to the standard reference for band members = First name, no space, last name in band. Grant S_____ + First Grade Crush = GrantCrush. See? Matt F___ + Straight Legged Kick = MattKick. Get it?


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