Monday, October 22, 2001

Marcie (m) Megalopolis

In case you hadn't noticed, there are two new links over on the side:
(1) JunipTheRunaway comes straight out of Chambana, Illinois and has a list of lost or stolen CD's that needs replacing. I should make a list. Some fucker ran off with my Death Cab EP, the newest Weezer (which isn't really that big of a loss, but still, it's the principle that counts), and Braid's "Frame and Canvas". Junip also has ties to Arborvitae records, the home to our beloved boys in TheMountSaintHelens. And, finally, he also was kind enough to link us, and we didn't have to beg. Thanks more than a smidgeon.
(2) That'sMarvelous is run by a guy named Tim, who helps run a Hey Mercedes site called Let'sGoBlue. Seriously, let's all go blue, especially next week when that fricking rekid finally comes out. He was also kind enough to link us without cash changing hands or small favors being carried in secret, dark alleyways. Thanks, Tim.

I think I'm finally realizing how much more fun it is to play nice.

But, then again, even as I type our sphere of influence spreads, and the tide against sappy sentimentalism gains momentum. You all within the anti-ATRevolution know what I'm saying. We're taking this badboy global, babies.

The world has somehow realligned itself, because word has it that Tenacious D and Weezer are allegedly going to be performing within the Bloomtown borders. No official date has been spoken about, but I've heard that tickets go on sale Wednesday. I'll be there with shoes on, mofo's. You can take that to the bank.


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