Rewind the tape, get back to yer sleeping, rub out yer eyes, this ship is sinking.
Moving in tomorrow, so this may be a BLARGless weekend, unless I can fit my computer in my truck tomorrow. Moving to the Ghetto is never easy. Here's me, worrying about some junkie walking by my truck tomorrow and stealing the A-D box of CD's and then pawning them at Midwest Exchange to the Rod Stewart look-a-like Contest Winner. The neighborhood isn't THAT bad, plus there's a church on the corner, I just don't like leaving my shit out on the street unlocked even for fifteen seconds. And if it rains....
So Brimfield High's Class of 1996 gets a high five and a Putty "yeah, that's right"***1***for being some damn fine people. Really, the only BOO I can shout out goes to the Lincoln-Way Marching Band from New Lennox ILL, and they're from the Sprawling Suburbs. They decided to drive all the way down to march in a parade and then only play one song. They walked the route twice, and we heard only the drummer and the dynamite xylophone players, who were three girls connected by this long strip of xylophone who were not only playing perfectly, but also marching in perfect time. I guess when a band plays in a parade, yer supposed to cheer for them to get them to play a song, and we were cheering, but they didn't play a note. So fuck them, and Boo to them.
And if a picture of Ryan drinking Vodka and Lemonade ends up on this site, it wasn't me like Shaggy.
And if anyone wants to join My brother, my childhood friend Tony, and Greg in my Yahoo Fantasy Football league, just drop me a line. I already invited Scoot and Margaret, but they're quote busy end quote, and might not ever get into it. Here's a guarantee: you don't need to know a damn thing about Football to join or to win. Last year I almost got beat by a kid who didn't even know he had a team.
And I just realized that New End Original is the band with Norm from Texas is the Reason and Jonah from Far. They have a record coming out October 2nd on jade tree, who don't get a link cos their website is too fucking high tek to run on this computer and I hate it when people do that, so fuck'em. Let 'em riot. So they are playing in Champaign on the 12th of September with the Apples in Stereo at the high dive which ought to be a show. Even though I don't like apples in stereo and I've never heard NEO (shortened, it has some strange possibiilites...)
Look at Maxwell, ladies and gentelmen, and swoon.
I'm off to watch 15 Minutes, with the wonderful Ed Burns.
Next five: "Inching towards Juarez" by seam; "Ascension(don't ever wonder)" by maxwell; "fortunate son" by creedence; "peg" by the dan; and "shoot the messenger cos he looks like Terry Bradshaw" by the (lois) lane.
In the stereo: maxwell "urban hang suite". new album out next tuesday.
***1***Unrelated: the episode where Putty paints his face and chest at the Devils-Rangers game was on last night...I've never seen that one before.
Rewind the tape, get back to yer sleeping, rub out yer eyes, this ship is sinking.
Moving in tomorrow, so this may be a BLARGless weekend, unless I can fit my computer in my truck tomorrow. Moving to the Ghetto is never easy. Here's me, worrying about some junkie walking by my truck tomorrow and stealing the A-D box of CD's and then pawning them at Midwest Exchange to the Rod Stewart look-a-like Contest Winner. The neighborhood isn't THAT bad, plus there's a church on the corner, I just don't like leaving my shit out on the street unlocked even for fifteen seconds. And if it rains....
So Brimfield High's Class of 1996 gets a high five and a Putty "yeah, that's right"***1***for being some damn fine people. Really, the only BOO I can shout out goes to the Lincoln-Way Marching Band from New Lennox ILL, and they're from the Sprawling Suburbs. They decided to drive all the way down to march in a parade and then only play one song. They walked the route twice, and we heard only the drummer and the dynamite xylophone players, who were three girls connected by this long strip of xylophone who were not only playing perfectly, but also marching in perfect time. I guess when a band plays in a parade, yer supposed to cheer for them to get them to play a song, and we were cheering, but they didn't play a note. So fuck them, and Boo to them.
And if a picture of Ryan drinking Vodka and Lemonade ends up on this site, it wasn't me like Shaggy.
And if anyone wants to join My brother, my childhood friend Tony, and Greg in my Yahoo Fantasy Football league, just drop me a line. I already invited Scoot and Margaret, but they're quote busy end quote, and might not ever get into it. Here's a guarantee: you don't need to know a damn thing about Football to join or to win. Last year I almost got beat by a kid who didn't even know he had a team.
And I just realized that New End Original is the band with Norm from Texas is the Reason and Jonah from Far. They have a record coming out October 2nd on jade tree, who don't get a link cos their website is too fucking high tek to run on this computer and I hate it when people do that, so fuck'em. Let 'em riot. So they are playing in Champaign on the 12th of September with the Apples in Stereo at the high dive which ought to be a show. Even though I don't like apples in stereo and I've never heard NEO (shortened, it has some strange possibiilites...)
Look at Maxwell, ladies and gentelmen, and swoon.
I'm off to watch 15 Minutes, with the wonderful Ed Burns.
Next five: "Inching towards Juarez" by seam; "Ascension(don't ever wonder)" by maxwell; "fortunate son" by creedence; "peg" by the dan; and "shoot the messenger cos he looks like Terry Bradshaw" by the (lois) lane.
In the stereo: maxwell "urban hang suite". new album out next tuesday.
***1***Unrelated: the episode where Putty paints his face and chest at the Devils-Rangers game was on last night...I've never seen that one before.
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