Thursday, August 30, 2001


You never realize how good real singers are until you go to a karoake night at a bar, and find out how truly terrible some people are at singing ... and shit. Saw some guy completely fucking butcher a version of "I Hate Everything About You" by Ugly Kid Joe. And there was about four people up trying to sing some lame ass dance number (couldn't tell you the name if I wanted to) but just weren't clicking at all. They did that classic Karoake-stand-and-talk-thing. Boo.

Didn't really plan on going out tonight, but I'll just pretend that I'm on some big tour, and it's after the show, and I'm happy. There - it's justified. Woo-hoo!

Might be getting a new Tattoo on Friday (possibly @ Jade Dragon in Chicago). I need feedback on this place. From what I hear, they do good work. I'm terrified of getting another tat. from the first place I went. Mine were small, and I'm sure they were easy to do, but they kind of messed up Scooter's. This time I'm going for a band around my arm, and I don't want anyone to fuck it up. Anyone gotten one from there?