Tuesday, July 24, 2001


Day Three: 1,700 miles, Little Rock, Arkansas

President (?) George W. Bush always looks like he's trying to hold in a fart when he's surrounded by prominent - and much more intelligent - foreign leaders. Have you seen the footage of the man walking with the Pope? The expression on his face either denotes that he (a) just ate a Super Steak, Pork, and Chicken Burrito from Labamba's (b) just realized that he might suddenly have to go the bathroom (#2, and not solid, if you know what I mean), or (c) had been up late the night previous drinking large quantities of Miller Lite (the most likely possibility, especially considering Miller Lite's potent abilities to loosen the stool the "morning after"). Normally, I wouldn't complain about the subject, but I can't help it. I despise the man. How did a (supposedly) former cokehead/alchoholic get into the White House? Reminds me of Distinguished Gentleman, that Eddie Murphy movie where he gets elected into Congress on name recognition after the previous senator died. Everyone knows that George W. is only the store-front for a puppet regime set up by George I (How would like it if the King of England came into your home and tried to tax you? huh? huh?). Colin Powell, Norman Schwarzkop (sp?), Dick(less) Cheney, & thousands others are ahead of G.W. He hasn't read an entire book since college - and publicly admits it. I'm desperately looking forward to 2004. I hope someone decent runs. I'm not a Republican (or a Democrat) - I tend to lean towards the left if anything, but I will say that I was full-on in favor of John McCain. The guy had something that neither Bush, nor Gore could possibly have dreamed of ever possesing - charisma. Reminded me of Bill Clinton a bit (but in a much less sexually, and overtly bullish/mannish-type-way).

Does it seem like I'm rambling at all?

There are two basic things one is confronted when traveling (primarily) alone: (1) your mind & (2) downtime in hotel rooms. Sounds silly, right? But it will drive you crazy if you let it. I'm not sure if people were meant to spend so much time alone. Read any of Henry Rollins' books and you'll see what I'm talking about (but it's definitely intriguing how he lets his thoughts escape). A few things happen when left alone in strange environments for extraordinarily large chunks of time: (1) I start thinking I'm hungry when I'm not, but the thought refuses to go away, and I end up eating when I shouldn't (2) I get increasingly obsessed with finding something "good" to watch on the television (and as we all know, there are rarely "good" things on television - though I have noticed that PBS has been stockpiling their programming w/intriguing documentaries) (3) I'm not showering for longer than average stretches b/c I'm watching tv, spending way too much time on the internet, or just being plain-old-lazy (which is why I only shower every few days anyways) & (4) I'm not getting enough sleep. I've noticed that when I travel with someone, I usually don't feel this creepy, vacant feeling in the pit of my stomach late at night. I guess there's some kind of strange comfort in having someone around, whether I converse with them alot or not. I at least have someone there to contemplate - if that makes any sense. What are they thinking about what we're doing, or where we're going, or whatever? Does s/he think this place sucks, or is rad, or are they generally indifferent? I guess I better buckle down and hold on, because I've got about 12 more days of this, 2 days off after that, and then another 4 days again. Yipes. I'm really hoping that school comes sooner rather than later.

Written Two Hours Later: My night just got better. I won a free 20 oz. Coca-Cola product. Awesome.