Tuesday, February 13, 2001


Now, back to me, and my sweet, sweet, unknown, Valentine's Day valentine (that's enough adjectives to choke a manatee). I've mentioned the CD that (the presumable) she made for me, but what I failed to mention was it's alarming strength and coherency. I've tried making mix tapes for people before, but I always ended up having one song bleed over from Side A to Side B. Or one song would stop too suddenly, cut off by the one in the proverbial on-deck circle. I suck at them, plain and simple. I can't even make a good Beatles mix tape. Believe me, I've tried. With all that amazing material, you'd think that I would have easily come up with a coherent, consciencous tapestry. But not me. I blow.

That's where Valentine Girl (who has finally been named) is incredible. It doesn't take a genius to run a Jets to Brazil song into a Promise Ring song, but combining "Sweet Avenue" with "Jersey Shore"!? Outstanding! And I now have entered the realm of sounding like an indie rock pussy. Fuck. There are other subtle clues, such as "el scorcho" by Weezer, which starts off with "goddamn you half-Japanese girls". Is she half-Japanese, half-Korean, half-Chinese? Only time will tell. Each and every time I listen to this CD, I find myself more and more engrossed in the words and moods behind each song. Call me a pansy, but I'm smitten with a little disc. If only every Valentine's Day could be this engrossing and mysterious.