Seriously. Why do all the Mark Prior-related news items on Cubs.com use this as his picture? He looks like he just ate a grapefruit.
How are we all feeling about the upcoming season, gents? Cubs? Cards? Sox? Whoever.
Personally, I'm optimistic. I wouldn't be a Cubs fan if I wasn't. I want to create a fake milk carton and put an image of Juan Pierre on the back with a caption that reads, "Bring Juan home!" Matt: Could you whip that up?
D-Lee is already looking good in the WBC. Ramirez is resting. I love Murton, for some reason, and feel like he and Cedeno could be the new Walton/Swith rookie tandem of the 2000s. Why Todd Walker isn't given the starting job at second, I'll never understand. But, secondly, why Perez is being considered is even less logical. Hairston should be the back-up to Walker. Neifi should be a pinch-hitter. I'm sorry. I'm just not a Neifi fan.
The rotation is the rotation. I'm personally excited to see what will happen when Wood and Miller are back at full strength. I think I'm looking more forward to Miller than I am Wood. Why not take a chance on a guy that had three straight 14 wins seasons. It's not like Kerry ever did that.
Honestly, though, I just wish that the Cubs would stop using that horrible picture of Prior at the beginning of all the articles about him.
I don't think it's a grapefruit reaction. To me it looks more like a look of surprised disgust at something which he is observing.
- Watching in disgust as Canada works at destroying the U.S. in the early innings of their WBC round 1 game.
- Watches as Kerry Wood ruined his knee stomping out the flaming bag of dog crap placed on the pitchers mound.
- Ronnie Woo-Woo arrived in Arizona layed down on the outfield grass and started doing "snow-angels" in his birthday suit.
- Dusty Baker farted in the vicinity.
- Reads a Chicago Tribune magically appears from the future, dated October 30, 2006 with the headline CARDS DEFEAT SOX IN SEVEN: Cardinals Kings of Baseball, Whitesox Kings of Chicago.
Go Cards, Go Sox. It's nice having reason to root for the two best teams in the league, without conflict. And it's an added bonus, that both of those teams are noted adversaries of your lowly cubs (no caps deserved). I left this anonymous, but surely you know who I am.
You suck.
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