Ricky Williams and the ganja - back together again.
With the exception of injuries that are still healing from last season, we have gone injury-free through four days of pitchers and catchers in Mesa, AZ! This is the year. I can feel it... in my bones.

Bear says, Three day weekends rule the school. Get away from me. I'm nappin', bitch.
I love when teachers use terms like "bitch slap". Unfortunately, I used a similar term in front of my students when I taught 6th grade... which may be why I'm no longer in the classroom.
I had to dismantle my own blog tonight- and a friend and I have been drinking to mark it's demise (on my blog I mentioned my poor spelling so please forgive if I offend your gramatical instincts). I had been "discovered" by the HR department of my current employer. It's a shame too, because I had established quite a fan base of (already) friends who checked daily for updates and 19 year old geeks.
Apparently, you shouldn't use "bitch slap" when refering to your boss on a public domain site. You will get a written request to stop your extra curriculum activities.
Damn it. I hate working for "the man".
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