Thursday, October 13, 2005

I promise only to openly root for the Angels in front of the following people:

1. Jesse: Because he is both a Cardinals fan and and White Sox fan. This means that he should, unequivocably, be nominated for The Biggest Douche in the Universe award, ala John Edwards.
2. Southside Jeff Lars.: Just because he looks like he's from the Southside, though he is a Cub fan and will be rooting for the Angels, too, most likely.***1***
3. Annie: Because she has suddenly turned into one of those, "I'm rooting for Chicago, not for the White Sox" types of people. I hate those types of people. Too bad I'm married to one.

I know some students and teachers here at school who are die-hard Sox fans, and I haven't been here long enough to give them crap about it. I don't want our relationships to start off on the wrong foot.

Also, as if our normal Cub-misery wasn't enough, consider how much more horrible it has been, and may continue to get if the Sox go all the way:

-2003: Cubs are within 5 outs of the World Series. Bartman play. Gonzalez misses the double-play ball. Cubs lose game 7 to the Marlins. Misery ensues.
-2004: Cubs blow the Wild Card lead late in the season, and have a total fucking meltdown at Shea Stadium the last weekend. Remember the Diaz game? Two on, two out, bottom of the 9th. Hawkins pitching. Victor Diaz hits a three-run homer to hand the Cubs the loss. From that point on, the season was over. Never recovered.
-2004 Playoffs: Boston Red Sox win the World Series. Now there is only one truly cursed franchise: the Chicago Cubs.
-2005: Cubs can't pull their heads out of their asses long enough to even really sniff a chance at the Wild Card the last month. Plus, as an insult, we have to deal with the White Sox being (pretty much) the best team in the majors from wire-to-wire.
-2005 Playoffs: Red Sox last year? White Sox potentially this year? If that happens, we will be, bar none, the biggest laughing stock in the history of professional sports. Who cares about drawing more fans than the Sox? Who cares about Wrigley? What matters is a championship, and both of the other historically bad teams may have one within the next two weeks, in consecutive years, nonetheless.

Whatever, though. There's always next year. Go 2006 Cubs!

***1*** Ever since Southside has moved to Chicago, I've seen him practically every Saturday night and have been blind drunk every Saturday night. Last weekend, for example, I was drunk enough to sing "Try a Little Tenderness" at a karaoke bar. Ask Mast. He was there. Some Wisconsin U. fratdudes stole his "Everybody's Working for the Weekend" bit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to weigh in. I roomed with most of you at one point of my life. I was surrounded by Cub fans, always have been, always will be. I am not one to gloat, and have been relitively the quietest of the bunch (Felkamp being the loudest White Sox supporter). Do I hate the Cubs, no, but did I want them to make it to the World Series a couple years ago? Yes. Did I want them to win the World Series? Hell No. Being a "Chicago supporter" is stupid, wear your colors and those colors only. I would not take offense to any Cubs fan rooting against the Sox, I do wish I was there to experience what little fanfare the Sox are getting in the city. I just sit in a bar by myself, and cheer on the inside (there are like 2 White Sox fans in Portland, but I haven't found them yet). Like any good Chicago fan though (I mean logical) I need to remain a pessimist, they will wind up losing anyways and become Clevland's bitch for the next 10 years.


12:07 PM  

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