Thursday, June 09, 2005


Zach called to tell me the good news the other day, and hearing him say, "you're going to be an uncle" was so unexpected and so odd I made him repeat the phrase three times before it finally hit me - Zach and Ryan are expecting a baby!

I stand by my statement: you will have no problem adjusting your social life to that of a parent. I told my parents the good news, and my dad mentioned that I had been brought to bars (on very rare occasions) as an infant. I slept under the table while my parents had a few cold ones. I doubt that'll be the case with you, sir.

I can't think of anything sentimental or sappy to say in such a public forum. Meet me out on the dance floor on Saturday after I've had a few drinks, and I'm sure I'll slur together a few words of congratulations before I try to dry hump your leg like it was going out of business.

You're a douche, but you're still my friend. Congrats.


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