Wednesday, June 18, 2003


They line up the inhabitants, slice off the heads of the adults, gouge out the eyes of the children ... Later, processions of blinded children leave the city. Some, wandering around in the countryside, lose their way in the desert and die of thirst. -- Ryszard Kapuscinski in Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood

Lincoln, Nebraska
One. Already voted for Hey Mercedes? Do it again! Do it as much as you can. Do your part. Besides the fact that they truly are going up against some awful bands -- you don't want to know what I think of Park -- they are one of the bands that really deserves to win something like this for their hardwork, their longevity, and their dedication to bringing us good music year after year after year. Vote dammit!

Two. I've been listening almost exclusively to sports talk radio on ESPN for the last three days. Tony Kornhaiser, in my estimation, is a damned genius, and he deserves all the airtime he can get. The guy's funny without pandering, and he's got a damn quick brain on him. Click Here to check out a political cartoon about he and Michael Wilbon. Hilarious.

Three. Is it wrong that the picture of an author on the back of a book has slightly turned me off toward reading the rest of the book? I was really hyped about it, flipped around and saw the picture of a very frail looking, middle-aged woman which did not jive at all with the picture of the author (or what I assumed she would look like) in my head. I'm still going to read on, but I'm not going through it as quickly as I would like.

Four. Indeed, Zach, a little birdy also told me that blarging was out and friendstering was in. So, I promise to do two things for you: one, tell you that friendstering isn't really all that much different from having email with pictures and bulletin boards; and two, invite you to join friendster, which I'm sure you won't accept. But I won't be disappointed. It's really not all that great, to be totally honest.

Up Next: Marc's Totally Awesome Mix CD #4 by Marc; The Tony Kornhaiser Show by Tony Kornhaiser; and, Give Up by the Postal Service.
Tomorrow: Bomb shelters. Cable runs. Drive.


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