Tuesday, February 04, 2003


(Zero) I hereby ban all talk about any members of my body from this point forward. We've made it almost two years now without bringing it up ... that was until today. D'oh.

(One) I'm currently still wracking my brain trying to decide on a persuasive speech topic which is (tentatively?) due tomorrow at about noon. I've heard a few suggestions, ranging from a speech about why buying from indepent stores/merchandisers is better than buying from mega-stores like Best Buy and Wal-Mart, to a speech on why America is the Evil Empire, to (and forgive me for writing this) a suggestion about giving a speech as to "Why Pot Is Awesome" which, though you may not believe it, came out of my roommate Ryan's mouth just as I clicked on the Super NES to try my hand at Super Mario World. I have yet to figure out which direction I'd like to go in with my topic -- funny, sad, disturbing? So many paths.

(Two) I then spent two hours playing Super Mario World, which is ironic considering this past weekend's brush with Super Mario Bros. 3 in the far off land of Chicago w/Matt in his living room. I come home last night to three people sitting in my living room playing Super Mario Bros. 3. Weird. I had the "excellence" discussion with them, and they, too, called me an idiot for thinking that a star made one's character ... "Excellent".

(Three) I was sleepy behind the wheel yesterday and found myself in a haze for a split second wondering how I had driven all the way to England?

(Four) I also spent two straight hours reading about American colonial urban patterns and their emergence during the post-Revolutionary War era, only to open my email from the professor that assigned me that text to find out that he didn't think that I had "understood the readings" and that he "would like to have me come to his office to talk it over" with him when I had the chance. My stomach dropped like a ... thing that drops real fast.

(Five) Persuasive Speech Topic #4: (for your consideration) There should be seperate roadway systems for both bikes and cars, so we, as a country, don't have to worry about pedestrian/vehicular accidents anymore. I lost my fifth cousin, twice removed on my mother's side ten years ago because of this very problem. Shamus, we miss you.

(Six) I'm listening to a song I recorded on my four-track last fall. Two acoustic guitar tracks -- sometimes competing for dominance, sometimes coupling in harmony -- behind dialogue from Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket -- the scene where the Drill Sergeant finds Private Pile's jelly donut in his foot locker. The song intro's on the drill sergeants calling attention to his soldiers, crescendos at the part where Pile and the drill sergeant have their major confrontation, and outro's on the sounds of the soldier's doing push-ups in four counts while chanting, "One, Two, Three, Four, I, Love, the Marine, Core!" almost perfectly in time with the single notes that guitar track number one fades out on.

(Seven) Chin-up. That's the word that starts the song. I just rewinded it and have decided to listen to it again. There are three other songs of mine on this tape, though they're all mostly crap that no one will ever listen to -- unless you've a mind to wonder aimlessly into my bedroom, where I'm sure I'll bombard you with them.

(Eight) Persuasive Speech Topic #5: (for your consideration) There should be a limitation on the number of terms Senators and Representatives can serve in Congress.

(Nine) I got a haircut this weekend from a hot little lady with hands of fire. I look fabulous, but I keep forgetting that I got my haircut and freak out for a split second every time I touch the back of my neck (which is quite often) and find that there is no hair there anymore. Then I remember the haircut, and the hot lady, and I remember what happened to me.

(Ten) She's also the one who set Marc/Zach relations back nearly a decade with her comments about my pants on Friday night.

(Eleven) Persuasive Speech Topic #6: (for your consideration) There should a limitation on the number of boy bands that are allowed to saturate the airwaves in any given bi-yearly span. Our radios should be breeding grounds for heterogeneous music, and not holding our society back by producing one flashy copycat after another.

(Twelve) This post was a bad, bad idea. But it's too late to stop now, cause if I erase it all I'll be mad at myself and will not -- I repeat, will not -- feel comfortable until I either, a, pass out, or b, go back and rewrite the whole thing. So ... the show must go on.

(Thirteen) My room smells funny but, for once, I have a sweet smelling candle at hand to change the tide of the day.

(Fourteen) Persuasive Speech Topic #7: (for your consideration) Luke Edwards, star of The Wizard should be forced to tour the nation's Y(M or W)CA's to teach seminars on how to get past the World 8 in Super Mario Bros. 3, most specifically lessons such as "Dodging the Cannons" and "Collecting Mushrooms Without Dying" would be most helpful.

(Fifteen) Looks like some dude formerly of that crap-punk band, Showoff, is trying to go Josh Caterer on everyone's asses by breaking up his new band for Jesus. Don't believe me -- read this. End.


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